Wow! July 4th is here! How did that happen?

Wow! As a stay at home mom I look forward to summer and spending time with my children and doing neat things. But every summer I look at the time that I have and I think, what am I going to do with all those days? 1,2,3…..lots of days, oh boy, lots of days ahead. But now, I am scratching my head and wondering how it is that July 4th is just a day away? How in heaven’s name did that happen? That is just crazy! Now here we are with just 1 month left of vacation before my son … Continue reading Wow! July 4th is here! How did that happen?

The joys and concerns of parenting, at least in my life

Parenting is full of ups and downs. I would like to say that my family, my life, is perfect. For years I walked around pretending that it WAS. That nothing could touch us – to the outside world, that is. Those who were in the “know” knew…. No one’s life is perfect. And being honest with yourself, is so very important to having a successful existence and a happy one.  You can’t just ask God to be in your life, you have to live that way too. Handing my family over to His care is probably the hardest thing I … Continue reading The joys and concerns of parenting, at least in my life

One Lovely Blog Award

I want to thank Pastor Roland Ledoux for nominating me for my very first award! He has complimented me on my blogging and on my Christian outreach and I can only pray that I can be the person that he perceives me to be. I find his blog an inspiration and advise everyone to stop by and enjoy his “word” and humor. Here are the rules for accepting the award: Thank the blogger who nominated you Link the post to their page State seven random facts about yourself Nominate those you feel are deserving of the award (no specific number) and let them know they are … Continue reading One Lovely Blog Award

Autism… a look into a child’s mind(part II to May I have your attention please) I do not have a child with autism. I only have one friend who has a son with autism, and I just met her. I know that alot of families deal with this issue but until this year we had never had any reason to look into autism and all of its differences. I am not giving my daughter’s bully, “A” (see earlier blog, May I Have Your Attention Please), a viable excuse to do what he has done, because he can be taught. This video is done by a young lady who has autism herself and has talked … Continue reading Autism… a look into a child’s mind(part II to May I have your attention please)

Educational choices…

Being a parent of 5 children has made it so I have experienced all grades from K-12, at this moment in time. I have been disgusted, thrilled, disappointed, excited, angered, and any and every kind of emotion you can think of with the public school system. My eldest has some medical issues and the public school system that we were attending was not willing to work with us, even with a doctors note of explanation. So, we pulled her out, out of necessity, and home schooled her through an online school. I don’t know if this was the right thing to do. … Continue reading Educational choices…

May I have your attention please

Now that I have your attention…. I have written briefly about this in an earlier post. But I felt the need to write just about this one particular problem this time. To support my daughter and to learn from all of our mistakes through my written word. Rebecca is late….she is never late… My 9 year daughter has a young man in her class that thrives on getting attention. There are a lot of children and adults that are like this. But this particular young man thrives on stalking my daughter. That is really the only word, besides bullying, that … Continue reading May I have your attention please

Violence in our world…. part too(yes I spelled it wrong) in a series

It is too sad, that there has to be a part two to this topic. The bombing of the finish line at the Boston Marathon was made all the more sad by the lives lost and the lives altered forever because of the misguided thinking of two young men (they believe). The reactions of my two older children was one of sadness and disbelief. Disbelief at the idea that someone, anyone, would take a moment of personal glory for the first and last place runners and do what they did. My teenagers were dumbfounded with the act. And when they … Continue reading Violence in our world…. part too(yes I spelled it wrong) in a series

Blank…what to do, what to do

Sometimes I feel like my brain is blank. That there is not a thought in there worth writing about. But ofcourse there is, there always is. My brain is always going. And so are my kids. This weekend was no exception. From the moment I returned from work we were going until bedtime Sunday niight. This weekend we had a Girl Scout Sup and Sing and badge workshop. We started Friday night and we were supposed to camp out but had tornado warnings so we stayed until 9:00 and went home and slept in our comfy beds. Then we returned … Continue reading Blank…what to do, what to do