Studying with 5

Blah! Studying! Admit it we all hate it. It is NOT my favorite time of the day and it is not my children’s either! I hate the fact that a) They have homework b) That I am the bad guy for reminding them that they have homework c) That they look at me like the bad guy for reminding them- I didn’t assign it! (Well most of the time I am not the one, unless I subbed in their classroom that day). d) That I have yet to figure out a good time for this HORRENDOUS task to take place. … Continue reading Studying with 5

Parenting my parents….

gt;a href=””&gt; My parents are wonderful people. They have been married for 60 years (to each other! LOL!). They have their up and downs, don’t we all. Sometimes I wonder why they are still together and then I am granted the privelage and honor of seeing the “why”. They live for each other. And they really do love each other the “romance” has just lost its path. It’s not my job to show them the way but sometimes I wish I could shake one or the both of them and let them see what I see. <But I am not the parent, I am the child, … Continue reading Parenting my parents….


I love sleepovers, always have and probably always will. However for some reason my children have sleepovers but they are never invited to sleepover. I know, and I am not being biased, that my children behave and are kind kids so…. that can’t be why they aren’t invited elsewhere. So I have been wondering why? Well a parent told me that their child has such a fun time at our house with all of our kids that they just want to come here…. I guess that could be a “kudo” but it still would be nice to get rid of … Continue reading Sleepovers

He is Risen…

He is risen indeed! Because that IS what Easter is all about…. But how about the Easter Bunny? Now as I am sure you know, if you have read previous posts, is that I am a Christian and I am raising my children in the faith. With that in mind….The Easter bunny is alive and well in my house. I find the maintaining of the “magic”, both with Easter and Christmas, tiresome. Not that I don’t want to continue, because I do, but because, as they get older, there are more questions being asked, different questions, and I am finding … Continue reading He is Risen…

BK for the SAHM

For those of you not in the “know” that means Before Kids for a Stay At Home Mom….. I kept a neat apartment before the children started coming. It was neat and clean and everything had its place. I was not anal. I didn’t freak when things were dirty. I didn’t dust a ton, I vacuumed and swept once a week (my day off) and dusted maybe once a month… once every 3 weeks. What I am saying is that when the children came I didn’t lose my head because of the mess that comes with children. I just went … Continue reading BK for the SAHM

Marriage…. a sacred unity…

We all dream of the perfect marriage. One where everyone gets along all the time…. even though we all know that that is not possible. I married when I was 25, not old, but certainly not young. I was old enough to know. Know what? You ask. To know better. Now don’t get me wrong…. I love my husband, I have been loving him for almost 21 married years and an additional 3 before that. Almost a quarter of a century of love. But what I should have known was that to have an equal relationship we should have been … Continue reading Marriage…. a sacred unity…

Violence in our schools…

That should be a catchy, breath taking title, but unfortunately it is not. I am not saying that we don’t all gasp and cry and hold our children close when we hear of such tragedies, because most of us do. What I am saying is that this happens all too often. When I was a child a school shooting was as foreign as, say, aliens landing in the town square. But seriously. This week we had a brush of this kind of violence. Well, how it can affect students. My 15 year old is in the public school as a … Continue reading Violence in our schools…

Birthday crafts and treasures

a href=””&gt;I am going to do something a little different. As you know, or may be you don’t, I have 5 children And with alot of children you get invited to alot of birthday parties. Now we are not made out of money, infact pretty far from it, so when the invites come in the children are all excited about going. I have become pretty savvy and creative with the gifts. If we have a girl party to go to we, of course, think about who the birthday girl is and what kind of things she likes. This Saturday we have a 7th Birthday Party to … Continue reading Birthday crafts and treasures